The organizing committee for the workshop has had a meeting with our publishers Springer and discussed a number of details. Springer looks very keen to publish the book as part of for their Human Computer Interaction or possibly cultural computing series. This is more than lecture notes, but the workshop position papers were limited to 4 pages so that’s essentially a good thing. We are looking for a submission in October to be ready for launch at the next CHI (CHI2015). The timing is uncertain, but *IF* that appears unrealistic, then there are other conferences to work for (DIS for example).
We still have to submit a full proposal to Springer which we will do post CHI2014 and after we have had a chance to review the workshop papers from this and the previous workshop.
We will be looking at papers and approaching workshop participants to submit something. To help you might want to start thinking about how many tables and figures you need as this is something the publishers need to know.
The book will be available in hardback and digital ( e-book )form. Subscribing institutions buy printed student (soft back, black and white ) versions for £25 I believe.
While the springer layout is fixed but there will be an online space with the book for animations and so on.
That’s all for now I will try to keep you in the loop as developments happen.