Friday, December 19, 2014

Book deal signed!!

I am very pleased to announce that I and my fellow editors have today signed a deal with Springer for an edited book on Architecture and Interaction. 

This is based on material collected over the previous workshops

I find it hard to get the right words to tell you how excited I am about this

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Open Plan Is Dead. Long Live The New World Of Work

Interesting piece from some of the best engineers on the planet about the interaction between digital technology and space.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Architecture Configuration Movement: Surprising the system | Digital Present

Architecture Configuration Movement: Surprising the system | Digital Present

Jo Morrison was one of the people who dropped in to the workshop at the last minute. She made a terrific contribution and has put up a fantastic blog post about her experiences.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Architecure and Interaction book

 I thought I would thank everyone again for attending and give you news about the interaction and architecture book.

The organizing committee for the workshop has had a meeting with our publishers Springer and discussed a number of details.  Springer looks very keen to publish the book  as part of for their Human Computer Interaction or possibly cultural computing series. This is more than  lecture notes, but the workshop position papers were limited to 4 pages so that’s essentially a good thing. We are looking for a submission in October to be ready for launch at the next CHI (CHI2015). The timing is uncertain, but *IF* that appears unrealistic, then there are other conferences to work for (DIS for example).

We still have to submit a full proposal to Springer which we will do post CHI2014 and after we have had a chance to review the workshop papers from this and the previous workshop.

We will be looking at papers and approaching workshop participants to submit something. To help you might want to start thinking about how many tables and figures you need as this is something the publishers need to know. 

The book will be available in hardback and digital ( e-book )form. Subscribing institutions buy printed student (soft back, black and white ) versions for £25 I believe.

While the springer layout is fixed  but there will be an online space with the book for animations and so on.

That’s all for now I will try to keep you in the loop as developments happen.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Workshop over

Well that's it the workshop is over. While it is the relief to get it completed there is still lots more work to do. 

We are having a meeting with the boxes of Springer. There is the Poster of course for Tuesday. Finally I seem to have a huge number of invites and potential collaborations, which is fantastic and what the workshop was all about. 

I quite like this image from one of the
Models people improvised. This was and attempt to communicate a vision of a redesigned union station display interface. 

Well done all! 



214 Kings St West 
Torronto , ON 

Reservation under Dalton for 7:00 

I will be out side conference centre at 7:00 as promised to guide people I will wait till 7:05


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Union station

Our team visited the station as example of deep information overload

Every surface is cluttered with information even the floor 

It's being refurbished but the coloums make it a isovist nightmare 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Time table.

Day 1
WS room
One-Minute Madness and Reflection on recurring themes.
WS room
10:30 – 13:00
Coffee Break merging into Fieldwork/Observations
On Location
Lunch – Full team booking, staying together – Working lunch
Conference Centre?
On Location?
WS room
Coffee Break
WS room
Day 2
WS room

WS room

On Location
10:30 – 11:00(TBC)
Coffee Break
11:00 – 13:00
WS room
On Location
13:00-14:00 (TBC)
Lunch – Bookings everyone unless declined in the morning – Free to leave early, if teams want to return to WS
Conference Centre?
Prepare Exhibition
WS room
On Location
15:00-15:30 (TBC)
Coffee Break
On Location
Panel Discussion
Book proposal
Closing Remarks
Exhibition Tear Down
On Location
WS Room

Pre-workshop drinks

Wine Bar

  Many people have expressed a willingness to have a drink to get to know each other the night before the workshop. Naturally, some people will only just be arriving so there is no pressure to attend. We have organised a table at a wine bar from 7 o’clock onwards. This is only for drinks, but if you want to eat food is available. You can come and stay for as long or as little as you like. Our previous experience with workshops, shows that this is quite a good way to get to know people before the intensity of the workshop itself. 

7:00 -9:00 possibly later depending on jet lag. 

The Wine Bar.
9 Church St.
Toronto Ontario 
M5E 1M2 | 
Telephone. 416.504.WINE (9463)

the map location is,-79.3733982,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89d4cb2e18401175:0x7d6284e39544633?hl=en

You can see it in the street view,-79.373545,3a,15y,93.7h,95.35t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sxQx5SOpVKVGtln3AdYQIRQ!2e0!6m1!1e1

I understand the neighbourhood is pretty friendly.  It’s a 16min walk from the convention centre along Front Street. 
I’m not sure if my phone will work, but in case it does my number is +44 (UK)  7908 649 double ZERO 5 

Ask for the Dalton party and I’ve told them we won’t know each other. My photo is on my home page 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Revised papers nearly ready

Thanks to all those who had sent in revised papers by the 14th of March(was 6th originally). We are still a few papers short. In case there are some problems with peoples junk mail I just wanted to inform you that if you didn’t get a reply from me then I probably haven’t got your revised paper. If there has been some communication problem then please let me know ( or try one of the other organisers). If I don’t get a revised version and then I will have rely on the original submission.

I hope to be sending out the final collection of workshop papers to the participants in the near future. This should give everybody time to read each other’s submissions before the workshop.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Correction Access codes for workshop


If you are registering to get for the workshop we have discovered that the access code is wrong you need W04access not WS04access as I said in the email. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

All the reviews are out

To our authors sorry for the delay of getting some reviews out to you. This was a mixture of the extended submission date combined with a family berivement for one our reviewers. If you I have not received a review by now check your junk mailbox and if that fails E-mail Nick Dalton immediately.

We have had some super submissions and have accepted 25 papers. 

Thanks to all our authors  for their hard work!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Advances in Architectural Geometry - MIT

I thought the website could do with a visual change in pace, here is something from the world of Architecture about what they are working on.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Workshop submission stage now closed.

The workshop submission stage is now closed.

We would like to thank the authors of the 27 submissions for their work. Having had a brief scan through some of the submissions I would like to say that I think we are going to have a fantastic workshop. We do have more submissions than spaces so we are going to have a tough time trying to decide who to include. As always we will be looking to balance out the various viewpoints and so we may end up having to politely decline some excellent submissions if that will let the balance work better.

Look forwards to getting responses back to everyone by 7 February at the latest (slightly delayed from orignal plan due to moving the acceptance date back a week)

Thanks so much again.