Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More than 1000 visitors!

We have had more than 1000 page views since we opened the sight. Thanks to every one who has looked in and I hope this means we will get lots of interesting position papers!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Count down to Saturday May 5th begins

If like me you might be worried about not being able to do both the Ar-CHI-tecture and "Food and Interaction Design: Designing for Food in Everyday Life" (HERE). Then worry no more CHI has produced the list of workshops and we are on separate days. 

Judging by the questions I have been answering, we have been receiving a lot of interest and I've heard some curious roots about how people discovered the workshop ( one phd student got forwarded an email fourth hand).

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Workshop call for participation

Ar-CHI-tecture: Architecture and interaction
The rise of ubiquitous computing leads to a convergence between the areas of architectural design and HCI.

Human-computer interaction is a type of human-artefact interaction, and its research is characterized by analysing human behavior, cognitive processes and task structures. Buildings can also be understood as artefacts and people interact with them in numerous ways. We believe that the methodological toolbox of HCI researchers/practitioners can be valuable for understanding the challenges of designing buildings that meet users’ needs. Conversely, architectural knowledge is essential for HCI professionals and researchers designing interactive technologies for architectural settings. This workshop will bring together these communities to explore the benefits of archi­tecture envisioned as integral to an expanded CHI community and identify fundamental differences, similarities and synergies between design and research approaches that use architecture in different ways in HCI.

The workshop will be run in three sections. 

  • A mini-conference with CHI Madness style presentations;
  • A  facilitated group design challenge;
  • A discussion focusing on the question of how interaction design can transform architecture and vice versa?

Participants are welcomed from a range of disciplines including architecture, environmental psychology, computing, HCI, interaction and experience design, service design, digital arts and media, robotics, and cognitive science.

Participants should submit a 2-4-page position paper, related to the workshop issues, themes and goals to by Monday 9th  January 2012. These will be peer reviewed by an interdisciplinary review committee. One author of each accepted paper will need to register for the workshop.


Friday, October 7, 2011

About the workshop

The rise of ubiquitous computing leads to the inevitable convergence between Architecture (that is, Architecture as a creative design endeavour) and the CHI community, including those working in ubiquitous and pervasive computing, tangible computing, virtual, augmented and intelligent environments, human factors and robotics. We propose that Architecture and the larger CHI community have much to learn from each other concerning the inhabitation facts of CHI and Architectural research and practice. This workshop will bring together these communities to explore the current discordances and inevitable benefits of Architecture envisioned as integral to an expanded CHI community. The workshop organizers aim to create a framework for future collaboration and directions for research in this multidisciplinary field that promises significant impacts on both architecture, research and its real-world applications